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Urine Analyzer

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Urine Analysis and Laboratory Tests
The data of Urine analysis usually taken are divided into two; qualitative and quantitative data of Urine laboratory tests. As their names imply, qualitative tests is to test for the qualities of the Urine such as colour, transparency, etc, while quantitative test, try to find the amounts of some indexes in the Urine such as volume, specific gravity, amount of pathologic components of Urine (blood, proteins, creatinine, etc).
Qualitative data of Urine laboratory tests
Colour of Urine
• In the first day of child's Life, Urine is colorless
• On the 2nd-4th days- dark-reddish, because big quantity of Urea is excreted.
• In breast fed infants the urine is almost colorless until they start to drink fruit juices and to eat other foods at the age of 4-6 months
• In formula fed infants, all children and grown-ups, the urine is yellow like straw.
Changes of Urine color can be physiological. For example;
• Colorless urine is excreted when a person drinks a lot of fluids
• Urine acquires Orange color when the food contains a lot of carotene (carrot);
• Urine will be pink after eating red-beet;
• Some medicines influence the Urine colour. SO, rifampicin causes the red color of Urine, analginum and sulfacylamides-pink, mitroxolinum-saffron-yellow.
Some Urine discoloration is of diagnostic value in case of Kidney disorders:
• Dark-brown Urine is a pathognomic symptom of virus hepatitis; the cause of such color is big amount of bile pigments hyperbilirubinuria); characteristic sign is forming of yellowish foam after shaking such Urine. It is the main sign of acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
• Bright red color can be found when "fresh" RBCs pass into urine in case of trauma, kidney tuberculosis, crystals, cystitis, urethritis, renal tumor. Transparence
The Urine can be cloudy only in newborn child for 2-3 days after birth. After that each healthy person excrete transparent Urine. Cloudy hazy, darkly opalescent Urine can be found in case of Urinary tract infection, enlarged amount of crystals, RBCs or WBCs, pus or fats in Urine.
Quantitative data of Urine Laboratory tests
Diuresis means the process of Urine production. The Urine-volume (UV per 24 hours) is its laboratory reflection. Its meanings depend on age.
Pathological changes of Urine volume
• Poliuria is diagnosed when the urine volume exceeds the normal ranges in 2 times and more. Renal poliutia develops in case of back progress of nephritic edema, chronic renal failure.
• Oliguria means the decreasing of daily urine volume to of age ranges and less. Renal Oliguria is one of the most significant manifestations of renal failure. renal-the kidneys don't form the urine due to considerable damage of their tissues. • Nocturia, the normal correlation of daytime and nighttime Urine Volume is 2:1. If the night Urine volume is bigger, it is the manifestation of decreased renal function.
Specific gravity
It is the concentration of electrolytes and other substances dissolve in Urine. Increasing is observed at Oliguria, diabetes mellitus, excretion of marked amount of protein. Indexes of Urine analysis which are deviations of the normal ones are indications for metabolic disorders